With our Printabots Maker Robot Kit, we've had customers and makers comment that it's not always easy to get access to a 3D Printer, and Shapeways isn't exactly an inexpensive option.
So we decided to use our kit to make a robot using everyday items.
For this robot, we use:
- 4 servo motors (Printabots Maker Kit)
- 3 servo arms (Printabots Maker Kit)
- 1 servo arm (X Arm) (Printabots Maker Kit)
- 3-4 rubber bands
- 2 paper clips (gripper)
- 2 binder clips (arm connector)
- servo controller (Wifinch) (Printabots Maker Kit)
- Android Device
- USB cord
We created a featured Instructable here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Binder-Clip-Robot-Arm/We're looking at creating more hacker robots using everyday items and our kits.
We'd love to get your feedback and any ideas for our next scrappy bot.