
RoboResto: Moving the robot for the fist time

Posted by Reiner Schmidt on

RoboResto: Moving the robot for the fist time

A Friday evening isn't always the best time to throw a little extra working into resorting this old robot but I couldn't wait to see it move so I had to spend a couple hours messing around with it before signing off for the weekend.   To design a new controller we need to know something about the motors. At the moment all we know is that they are 12V and DC, other than that there is no information. Really all I need to build the controller now is the output of the potentiometers and the current usage of the...

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RoboResto: Bring new life and high tech to old bots

Posted by Reiner Schmidt on

RoboResto: Bring new life and high tech to old bots

At Roboteurs we spend about 90% of our time designing, building, testing, and re-designing. The other 10% of our time we devote to silly projects that usually never seem to have an end. We have decided that it would be really cool to make these projects public so people can see some of the cool things we do in our creative time. Now before we go on I must warn you, I am an engineer so the spelling in this article will be just awful so please bear with me (edit: luckily I (Justin) can proof read) This is our...

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